Wednesday, August 1, 2012

August 2012 -- Day Eighteen

Mollie met a new friend today. It gave us a great opportunity to work on walking towards a goal. This was a really hard one for Mollie but, in the end, we had success! Mollie could see there was a new dog at the house and she really wanted to say "hi." I put a leash on her and we began walking forward towards the new dog. Any time she got ahead of me we quickly turned around and started over again. We did this repeatedly until she was able to walk all the way towards the dog on a loose leash. There were times when we were only a few feet away but we stayed consistent. If she pulled ahead, we turned around. It was not easy for either one of us. If I had been in a hurry, it would have taken me a long time to get from point A to point B. But, it created a situation where Mollie had to be responsible for her own behavior. She had to figure out what would help her move closer to that new dog.

That was a hard one! I mean really, look how cute he could anyone resist?

Her reward was visiting with the puppy but I also threw in a little bit of fetch as a stress reliever. That was really hard work so I want to make sure she is not all tense about it.

A little romp with friends doesn't hurt either.

I sat down to snuggle with Mollie and she was sure I was going to comb out her ears. I was sitting in the same spot where I had combed her mats out several times.

Not to worry, Mollie, just a gentle ear massage and some snuggles. The more I can do things like this with her the less she will associate it with getting her ears combed out.

Besides, you are beautiful just the way you are...

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