Sunday, July 22, 2012

July 2012 -- Day Eight

We've been working on polite behaviors like "wait" at doorways and "say please." "Wait" tells a dog not to cross a threshold. She can sit, stand, lay down, or move around, as long as she stays on the other side of the threshold. We are using this at both doorways and in her crate. She has a tendency to barrel out of her crate which can be dangerous if you are trying to get her out of the car with a lot of traffic around. But waiting for permission to cross through gives you a little bit more control in situations like that.

Asking her to "say please" or sit for things she wants tells her a similar story. She needs to ask for things.

Tonight provided a good opportunity to practice these skills in a more "real life" situation. We went to a BBQ where there were new people and new dogs. We first practiced our "wait" when getting out of the car. Next we worked on walking towards a goal...which was the gate to the yard. No treats needed here because her reward for walking nicely with me was to move closer to the gate that would take her to where all the other dogs were playing. It doesn't take her long to figure out that she needs to work with me in order to get what she wants. Then we have another "sit" at the gate before we walk through. Once inside, where all her new friends are, she must sit and give me attention before I take her leash off and release her to go play. That release is a huge payoff for her!

Playing with friends is a huge reward and she earned it!

And now time to run...

And run...

And run...

And run.

I let her get a little bit of energy out before I start practicing recalls with her. Perfect! She came quickly and consistently, no matter what was going on (cat, play with other dogs, full on run, etc.). Not only that, but her greetings with everyone were stellar! Good girl...

Guess what your reward is because you have been so good?

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